Saturday, January 3, 2009

Chistmas Camp

This past week was awesome! We had great weather, for training, and all of our athletes that joined us had a great time and made huge improvements. Thank you all for toughing it out. I hope you are all tired from your hard work. It will pay off throughout the season.

Check back in the next few days to see some examples of world cup skiers doing what we were working on. Remember, ask questions if it doesn't make sense.

I need to add a disclaimer with this blog (and training in general): I need to ask parents to let their athletes ski for fun when they are not skiing with us, and let us do the critiquing and coaching during training. They have plenty to think about during training, and they need to freeski to let the stuff we tell them to sink in and get a feel for it. This blog is meant to support what the athletes learn in training, and provide a forum to discuss technique and answer questions. Thanks!

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