Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So it begins...

Before you continue down the page to see all the rad stuff on your Team's blog, please take a moment to read this post.

I want this project to be a place where team members and parents can find all the information they need about the Sundance Ski Team. I will be using this forum as a way to communicate with my athletes as well as parents. There will be regular posts that show skiing technique relevant to what we have been working on, along with updates and the season's schedule. I do not know what kind of internet privileges your child has, but if they could go to one site, it should be this one :) There may even be some homework and quizzes, so pay attention. I want full on notes, diagrams, reports, dissections, intersections, and demonstrations. Hehe. But seriously, this will only work if each athlete will participate. What you put into it, is what you get out. If you have questions, bring them to training, or make a comment on the blog. If you see something that I don't, or I am wrong, say something. Ask questions, challenge whatever is assumed, and be creative.

I also want it to be an active experience where members can comment and post relevant topics. Pictures, video, rants, or raves. Cashia has only one rule, if there is a video or picture of a coach, it has to be really embarrassing (especially of her)
If there is something you would like me to post, or have a question that I could answer about skiing, then let me know and I'll do my best.

Please check back regularly. This is version .00001 so there is a lot of work that needs to be done. If you have any suggestions or comments let me know.

Tyson Henrie

Monday, December 15, 2008

Beaver Creek

Ted Ligety is in top form again this year. After Winning the GS globe last year, he's out to do it again, and more, this year. Watch closely, Ted is revolutionizing the way we race. Especially watch his knees and hips, what are they doing that allow him to make such perfect turns? Why is he so fast?

For starters, Ligety, and all World Cup racers, start their turns with their ankles. Look at the 4th frame past the blue gate. He is in the athletic stance (arms up, legs hip-width apart, boots flexing, and stomach muscles flexed). This allows him to start the next turn with a strong early pressure on the new set of edges. Now, all he has to do is drive both knees 'inside' (next frame) to initiate (start) the turn. Think of 'inside' as towards the next gate, or down the fall line, or towards the snow by the tips of your skis, etc. whatever works for you. Boots flexed (by ankles and tight abs), both knees driving into the next turn. Combine that fairly basic movement with an immovable/strong/steady/eliminate-all-unnecessary-movement upper body and you can ski like Ted :) If these words that are spewing out of my fingers don't make any sense, then just watch World Cup racing and only watch their knees the entire time. Get their image burned into your cranium so that when you see video of yourself you can compare the two and more easily see what you need to change.

(click on picture for larger image)